The New Muslim's Starter Pack
In September 2018 we had conducted a two day course on the Absolute Essentials of Islam, which would serve as a "Starter Pack" for the New Muslim. Please click the button below to view the recordings

Library Page
Visit our Online Library page and enjoy the pleasure of downloading books, covering a wide range of topics related to Islam, which would interest any avid reader

The Fundamentals
A Special course for new Muslims presented by Ml Ahmad Namutamba

Request an exclusive Mosque Tour.
Do you wish to enjoy visiting a Mosque in your area? We could arrange an exclusive tour for you and your friends.
#KnowYourNeighbours #UnderstandYourClients
Da'wah by Doctors
Special Da'wah support to medical practitioners

Dhul Hijjah & Udhiyyah
A series of videos presented by Ml Omar Sithole in Swati